Максимальный размер системного раздела NTFS

images-ntfs1.jpgОказывается (! :) ), системный раздел NTFS вовсе не может быть 16 terabytes! В это долго не хотелось верить, но все же. Гораздо хуже то, что если на диск больше 2TB устанавливается Windows 32 bit, то доступно только 2TB. Это связано с тем, что используется MBR (master boot record). Единственный выход – систему устанавливать на отдельный диск меньшего размера, а диск больше 2-х TB преобразовівать к GUID partition table (GPT).

On Itanium-based computers with more than one disk, on x64-based computers, and on x86-based computers running Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), you can choose not only the sizes of partitions but the partition style for each disk. The partition style determines the way that information about the partition is stored. There are two partition styles: master boot record (MBR) and GUID partition table (GPT). On GPT disks, unlike MBR disks, data critical to platform operation is located in partitions instead of unpartitioned or hidden sectors. In addition, GPT disks have redundant primary and backup partition tables for improved partition data structure integrity.

On Itanium-based computers, you must install Windows XP 64-bit Edition (Itanium) or the Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, on a GPT disk. On x86-based and x64-based computers running Windows Server 2003, you must install the operating system on an MBR disk. Other disks can use either the MBR or GPT partition style. With GPT disks, you can create more partitions and larger volumes and can take advantage of other benefits.


The NTFS file system can address 16 exabytes (2**64), but current partitioning schemes limit a partition to 2 terabytes (2**41).

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